Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Snow Child Review

The first book that I read for 2016 was The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars. I really enjoyed this book, however, I wish that there was more details on a few things, including the ending.
I read this book for a variety of challenges that I'm participating in this year. For the Modern Mrs. Darcy challenge it's 12 novels 12 categories 12 months. This is a book that I've been meaning to read, so I used this book for this challenge.
For my Goodreads challenge, I want to read 40 books this year. I now have 39 books left to read this year. Another Goodreads challenge is 10,000 pages this year read. I now have 9,614 pages left this year.
I'm also participating in Shelf Love Challenge. I signed up for 11-20 books, and I'd like to read 20 of my books this year, so 19 left.
I'm sorry that this review is so late. I read and finished this book at the beginning of January, but I've been very busy having a baby. And there were a lot of other family things going on, but I want to really start reading and blogging more, as much as I can. I want to share my love of reading with others. And discover new books and authors and bookworms also.
Here's to a new year filled with many new and exciting goals and challenges and experiences.